Aliens HTB Write-Up: Unraveling the Mystery Step by Step

Aliens HTB Write-Up

The Aliens HTB write-up is your key to mastering one of the intermediate machines on Hack The Box. This guide will walk you through each step, from initial reconnaissance to web exploitation and privilege escalation. By the end, you’ll have a full understanding of how to tackle and solve the “Aliens” machine successfully.

Gathering Initial Information

The first stage of any Hack The Box challenge involves gathering information. The Aliens HTB machine is no different. In this phase, you’ll be identifying open ports and services running on the target system. The goal is to map out all the entry points so that you know where potential vulnerabilities might lie.

Typically, services like HTTP and SSH will be open, indicating a web interface to explore and a possible SSH entry for later stages.

Exploring the Web Interface

After confirming that the web service is running, the next step in the Aliens HTB write-up is to explore the website. Often, HTB machines hide important clues within web pages. You can manually browse through the site to look for anything unusual or use automated tools to assist in discovering hidden pages or directories.

Pay close attention to the content on the website—it may contain hints or information crucial for the next steps.

Directory Enumeration

One important step in the Aliens HTB write-up is directory enumeration. Hidden directories on a web server can lead to sensitive data, such as configuration files, backups, or scripts that are not meant to be public. By discovering these hidden directories, you may gain access to information that will help exploit the machine further.

Finding secret paths can unlock new areas of the system and provide clues for the exploitation phase.

Analyzing the Source Code

Many HTB challenges, including Aliens, involve inspecting the source code of the website. This can reveal valuable information that isn’t obvious from simply browsing the site. Developers sometimes leave comments, hardcoded credentials, or other data that attackers can exploit.

For example, analyzing the website’s JavaScript files might lead you to hidden login credentials or identify flaws in how the web application interacts with users.

Web Vulnerabilities

In this phase of the Aliens HTB write-up, you’ll be focusing on web vulnerabilities that can be exploited. Some common vulnerabilities to test for include SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and command injection. These weaknesses in the website’s security can be manipulated to gain further access or control over the machine.

Finding these vulnerabilities might allow you to bypass login systems, extract sensitive data, or even execute commands remotely.

SSH Access with Discovered Credentials

One of the key moments in the Aliens HTB write-up is when you discover credentials that allow access to the SSH service. SSH provides a secure shell for accessing the system’s command line, and obtaining these credentials brings you much closer to solving the machine.

Once logged in via SSH, you’ll have access to the system’s file structure and can begin searching for ways to escalate privileges.

Privilege Escalation

After gaining access to the machine through SSH, the next step in the Aliens HTB write-up is to achieve privilege escalation. This involves increasing your permissions from a regular user to a root user. There are multiple ways to do this, including exploiting misconfigurations, vulnerable scripts, or kernel vulnerabilities.

By carefully inspecting system files and running specific commands, you can find weak points that allow you to elevate your access to the highest level.

Finding the Root Flag

The final step in the Aliens HTB write-up is locating the root flag. Once you’ve successfully escalated your privileges to root, you can navigate to the directory where the flag is stored. Retrieving this flag signifies that you’ve completed the challenge.

Finding the root flag is always the most satisfying part of an HTB machine, and in “Aliens,” it’s the culmination of all your hard work.


The Aliens HTB write-up has taken you through each step of the process, from initial reconnaissance to privilege escalation and flag retrieval. Tackling this intermediate machine requires patience, careful analysis, and a solid understanding of both web vulnerabilities and Linux systems. Each phase builds on the previous one, and by following this structured approach, you’ll successfully conquer the “Aliens” machine.


1. What are the most important tools for solving the “Aliens” machine?

Tools like Nmap for scanning, directory enumeration tools, and manual exploitation techniques are critical for success.

2. How challenging is the “Aliens” HTB machine?

It’s rated as intermediate, requiring a mix of web exploitation and system-level privilege escalation.

3. How do I know if I’ve found the right vulnerability on the website?

You’ll know you’re on the right track when you find something that allows you to interact with the system in an unexpected way, such as bypassing security controls.

4. Why is privilege escalation so important in HTB challenges?

Privilege escalation allows you to gain full control of the system and access the root flag, which is the ultimate goal of each machine.

5. How do I practice for future HTB challenges after solving “Aliens”?

Continue solving other HTB machines, especially those at a similar or slightly higher difficulty level. This will help you improve your skills and learn new techniques.


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